Due to Covid-19, we have reworked our project "Die Siedler von Süd-Wien". The residents of the three housing complexes Kabelwerk, Am Schöpfwerk and Alterlaa will encounter small installations on site. Fictional travel agencies that act as an information point and gateway to the digital world. Here, the residents and all other interested parties receive information about the virtual city tours, which allow unfamiliar insights into the neighborhood of the three Siedlungen in various ways.
All of a sudden everyone is talking about the "right to the city", which is increasingly threatening to degenerate into a lucrative speculative property with outsourced tenements. Between rising rents and increasingly scarce living space, people are too often forgotten: it is they who give a face to all the new and old housing complex in a city. Some of these complexes reach the size of independent small towns and create a “city within a city”.
In the playful city project "The Settlers of South- Vienna", play: vienna explores the question of what the concept of "Siedlung" means - and could mean - for its residents and urban coexistence. In the three large South Vienna housing complexes Kabelwerk, Am Schöpfwerk and Alterlaa, we will host an interactive weekend that takes participants on a tour through all three communities.
The project will start in mid-September with open living rooms in the three Siedlungen. More information at siedlerwien.at.
In cooperation with Werk X. Funded by SHIFT III.
Philipp J. Ehmann, Hannah Lioba Egenolf, Victoria Halper, Clara Hirschmanner, Kai Krösche, Tamara Raunjak, Verena Strasser
Pictures: Isabella Hewlett